It could be a case of early days but the free public transport plan in the Balearics has got off to a slow start with no big increase in passengers. From January 1 buses and trains will be free for all those who have the Citizen´s Card.
It could be a case of early days but the free public transport plan in the Balearics has got off to a slow start with no big increase in passengers. From January 1 buses and trains will be free for all those who have the Citizen´s Card.
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Andy WalkerOh, don't feel left out.. They're still mentioning Brits. Just google "Brit arrested Mallorca" and you'll get pages and pages and pages of mentions. Still loved, as always.
Hey Zoltan lets spout cr@p without facts. Report published Dec 2021 and quoted in the MDB. After Morrocans and Columbians, Romanians are next and Bulgarians not far down the list of most represented nationals in Palma prison. Brits aren't even mentioned. Most crime in Magaluf is done by Spanish and North Africans re drugs and robbery using their North African prostitutes as bait. So you spout your nonsense, hey why let facts get in the way of your bull.
Andy WalkerMost of the crime in Mallorca is in Magaluf and everyone knows who the predominant nationality there is! By the way, how is the UK doing now that most of my 'fellow Eastern Europeans' have gone home?
Zoltan Teglas maybe you should concentrate on the crime figures in Mallorca of your fellow Eastern Europeans!
Perhaps 2 days in to the New Year is too early to make any reasoned judgements... Imbicilic to publish such drivel on 3rd Jan.
Zoltan TeglasThe farce is strong in this one.
Stephen PerrimanYou should try getting out more and stop worrying about media scare stories. I'm a regular user of Mallorca's train system and have never seen any trouble. As for the Paseo Maritimo bring dangerous, is this a joke? Maybe if you're from a hamlet in Surrey it might appear so, but it is safer than any UK city centre street I've ever visited.
Stephen PerrimanThe money is coming from EU funds so it won't cost local tax payers anything. As for the London underground being a world leader - I take it you haven't travelled around the world much. It is one of the worst metros I have ever been on, crowded, dirty and expensive.
Zoltan TeglasNothing is free!! It may be free of charge, but someone has to pay normally local residents via their taxes. Also “free” transport is taken as not having any value, offering poor services of dubious quality. In London for example underground tube travel is not cheap, but the system is a world leader being clean,safe and reliable with trains running throughout the night where everyone is safe. Can you imagine that in Majorca? I think not.
Another half baked idea from the discredited Armengol government. The public transport system in Majorca is dire and the trains very unsafe with regular reports of fighting and other antisocial behaviour when even the security guards have been beaten up! Majorca needs to get its house in order and make the place safe especially Passeo Maratimo and public transport safe for both residents and the few tourists that use it, otherwise the car will win every day.