Majorca tourism
Huge new funding for Mallorca's tourism
Ten per cent of funds so far allocated to Spain's regions
Tuesday's meeting at the Balearic government's HQ. | Govern de les Illes Balears
Palma03/01/2023 14:47
A Tuesday meeting in Palma confirmed the provision of 245 million euros of tourism funding for the Balearics. This is to come from EU Next Generation funds for tourism recovery, transformation and resilience and is the highest amount to have been so far allocated to Spain's regions. Ultimately, there will be 3,400 million euros; just over 2,000 million have been allocated.
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Peter PerfectIt's not a secret. Mallorca has grown up substantially, particularly in the past 10 years, and it's currently verifiably in better condition than most of Europe and obviously, the UK. There's rather good news coming out almost daily. But you might be inclined to avoid that, as it doesn't support what you'd hoped for. What can't be verified is that it's all gone pear shaped, riddled with corruption, ruined abd impoverished, etc. And there's certainly no visible evidence of that. And no actual data supporting it. So, excuse me, but I'm going to stick with the stuff that's verifiable (and frankly, obvious).
Morgan WilliamsNot even close mate, not even close, you should know more than you appear if you have been here that long, your lack of understanding about the corruption and politics on the island amaze me and others by the looks of the other comments.
Peter PerfectWhy then, do you seem to know so little about it? I've been here for going on 30 years, lived all over the island in that time. I speak 3 languages fluently, can hobble through a few others, socialise with locals AND foreigners routinely, and the advancements I've seen in that time have been extraordinary (putting it mildly). Yet you seem to be in another unrecognisable reality where it's all gone pear shaped, which of course is 180° contrary to the reality on the ground. Perhaps you live in a British resort? Many people living in that environment exhibit little knowledge about anything else, don't speak any other languages, don't integrate into local culture, get their news from British tabloids, live a very sheltered (and very British) existence, and routinely parrot uninformed disinformation they find in a tabloid or on some like minded social media platform as fact, or if at a loss, just make things up to validate their uninformed views. So far, you certainly exhibit that profile.
Stan The ManAccording to some here, tourism is dead anyway (Brits are going to turkey now), so I doubt tourist tax really matters. However, scrapping the 90 day rule could allow Brits to again live here tax free and under the radar, a huge benefit which was senselessly ruined with their daft Brexit punishment policies. Now apparently, everything's gone pear shaped, just as some here predicted (well, hoped for, anyway).
Morgan WilliamsI have lived in Mallorca longer than you so I think I have enough knowledge to speak about these matters without your condescending attitude.
So , can the Tourist Tax be scrapped? Or will Mallorca continue to use the Hotels as Tax Collectors and milk the Tourists.!!! Plus Scrap the 90 day ruling?
Ulla JacksonThere's certain groups within the coalition government who are opposed to tourism, foreigners, development, modernity, et al. This does not constitute the overall view, but they do have influence. Because their ideology would be seriously adverse to a broad range of Balearic interests, I'm of the belief (hope) they don't get far. The current government has exhibited a great deal of pragmatism and sensibility. I'm not sure they're entirely on board with the fringe extreme of the coalition, but obviously they can't publicly oppose them. We shall see.
I wonder how they will use this masses amount of money? As ususally a lot of talk, let's see what will happens. However I find it peculiar, when they earlier have stated they wanted less tourists.
Wrong again. I'm actually a shape shifting lizard. Beware...I and a few others secretly run the world (which really is flat by the way).
Says Morgan Williams the big I am flying around the world. I know someone who knows of him. Billy no mates and lives on his own dreaming of sheep.