Lioness is an American television spy drama series created by Taylor Sheridan (the creator of “Yellowstone” franchise). The plot of Lioness revolves around a woman who loses her children, her lover and her freedom when she is framed for fraud committed by her husband before his death. Based on a real-life CIA programme, Lioness follows a young Marine recruited to befriend the daughter of a terrorist to bring the organization down from within. The series is produced by MTV Entertainment Studios and 101 Studios.
Kidman will play Kaitlyn Meade, described as “the CIA’s Senior Supervisor who has had a long career of playing the politics game. She must juggle the trappings of being a woman in the high-ranking intelligence community, a wife that longs for the attention she herself can’t even give and a mentor to someone veering suspiciously close to the same rocky road she’s found herself on.”
Filming is expected to take place across the island. It could be one of the biggest productions ever made on the island.
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