Traffic diverted from the Passeig Marítim to the sea side

The four existing traffic lanes will be moved

The roadside terraces were removed this week for the works. | Pilar Pellicer


Starting today, the Balearic Ports Authority (APB) will divert traffic on Palma's Passeig Marítim due to remodelling work on this area.

The four existing traffic lanes (two going and two returning) will be moved to the side closest to the sea while the works are being carried out on the pavements on the side closest to the interior, as well as on the lanes in the Portopí direction from Avinguda Argentina to Torre Paraires.

The APB, in collaboration with Palma City Council, has provided new parking areas to make up for the spaces that were eliminated as a result of the works. Thus, a free car park has been set up in calle Federico García Lorca, as well as another one in the Golondrinas dock. Phase 1 of the works will be completed on 18 November.

The contract for the refurbishment works was signed on 17 October after the joint venture formed by Melchor Mascaró, Vopsa, Urbient and Aglomsa won the tender. It is expected to be finished before the end of summer next year.