At a PSOE meeting on public transport in Palma on Saturday, President Armengol said that if she is still governing after the election this May, she will set in motion the building of a tramline to connect Palma with Calvia*.
This tramline, she added, will complement the network formed by the projects that are "already under way"**, namely the line from the centre of Palma to the airport, the tram to Son Espases Hospital, the extension of the Metro to the Parc Bit technology park and the Manacor-Arta railway.
Her aim, she stated, is "to bring the railway to the entire map of Mallorca, as sustainable mobility is a right of citizenship". Over the eight years that she has been president, public transport has gone from a "minimum" to being a "modern and first-rate" service.
* The president hasn't indicated whereabouts in Calvia.
** By under way, these are planned; work on the tram is due to start this year.
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It will never get built just like the tram to the airport.