Car collides with ambulance in Palma

The force of the impact knocked the ambulance over. | Última hora


On Sunday afternoon around 5.30, a Toyota car collided with the right side of an ambulance at the junction of C. Anselm Turmeda and C. General Riera in Palma. The impact was such that the ambulance turned over. The car, meanwhile, suffered a fair amount of damage and blocked traffic on C. General Riera.

Ambulance after a collision with a car in Palma, Mallorca

The driver of the car was not injured, but the two occupants of the ambulance - the driver and another medic - were slightly injured. They were helped out of the ambulance by passers-by, a concern having been that there was a patient in the ambulance; there wasn't.

Traffic had to be diverted for a time. Palma police are investigating what happened.