Rafa Nadal's uncle joins main opposition party foundation

The PP are seeking advice on a variety of matters

Toni Nadal, who is the head of the Rafa Nadal Academy. | Efe


Toni Nadal, Rafa Nadal's uncle, former coach and head of the Rafa Nadal Academy in Manacor, has accepted an invitation to join a new foundation being set up by the main opposition party in Spain (and in the Balearics), the Partido Popular.

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Nadal says that the national leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, contacted him and proposed that he participate in "a non-political foundation". The PP, Feijóo explained, wish to be advised by leading figures in Spain on a variety of matters. In the case of Toni Nadal, this will be sport and youth affairs, and he is very clear that he is not making "a leap into politics". "I have no interest." Nadal has the most successful track record as a coach in the history of the international tennis circuit - 74 tournament victories in all.

Explaining that he would have considered an approach from other parties, with which he shares "a similar vision of life", he says that Feijóo's vision is similar to his in many respects. For him, Feijóo has always seemed to be an "honest and serious person and that is why I have accepted". "If I can contribute something to society, then as a citizen of this country I am willing to do it."