The average cost of a home in the Balearics: 346,499 euros

Nationwide average is 188,000 euros


It is evidently clear why young people have problems getting on the property ladder; the average price of a home across the islands was 346,499 euros, according to official figures announced today. Meanwhile, the average price of a home nationwide was almost half, 188,000 euros. The house prices in the Balearics compare favourably with Britain with average house prices at £295,000. The average purchasing price of a house in Germany is around 320,000 EUR.

The Balearics are ahead of Madrid (310,127 euros), the Basque Country (242,782) and Catalonia (221,162). The average price of a home in Extremadura is 86,677 euros.

The Balearics is also the area of Spain where prices most rose last year, an 11 percent increase compared to a natonwide rise of four percent.