Briton arrested after running over two people in Magalluf

Police found him on Son Matías beach

Security camera footage of the incident. | Youtube Última Hora


A British tourist was arrested by the Guardia Civil on Thursday morning, accused of having intentionally run over two other Britons in Magalluf.

Around 4.15am, the girlfriend of the man who has been arrested got into an argument with another woman on the C. Cala Blanca (which, strictly speaking, is in Torrenova). Their respective partners became involved. One left the scene, issuing threats, and then returned in his hire car.

He drove on to the pavement on various occasions, finally running over two young people outside a fast-food establishment. It is believed that his targets were the couple with whom there had been the argument. Both were left lying on the ground and the driver fled the scene. Witnesses called 112 and several Calvia police and Guardia Civil patrols arrived, as did two ambulances. The two people were taken to hospital; their injuries were not serious.

Police located the car and then found the 29-year-old man on Son Matías beach. It is understood that he had been drinking heavily and had taken drugs.