Colonia Sant Pere illegal bungalows offered as social housing

The order to demolish the bungalows was confirmed last year

The complex has been abandoned for years. | Archive


In February 2022, the Balearic High Court brought an end to seventeen years of legal tussle and confirmed the order to demolish the 88 bungalows at the San Pedro Camping complex in Colonia Sant Pere.

The order required demolition within five and a half months. The bungalows are still standing, the mayor of Arta, Manolo Galán, saying that the town hall has yet to be presented with the project for demolition by the owners, UPA S.A.

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Meanwhile, these prefabricated properties have been offered to the Balearic government's housing ministry for free; for social housing purposes. In mid-March, the Ibavi housing agency was contacted by phone by a Juan Luis Gelabert. He says that he asked for a meeting but has received no response. The agency maintains that it asked for a letter with information regarding this proposal to be sent; as yet, there has been no letter.

The proposal, explains Gelabert, isn't for the San Pedro site to be maintained but for the prefabs to be dismantled and used somewhere. They were practically new. The materials were German and to standards for noise and temperature control. If he doesn't hear anything from the government, he's considering offering the prefabs to a not-for-profit social organisation.

The demolition order was because it had been shown that the bungalows were illegal. The case first arose at the end of the 1990s, when an Arta councillor denounced them. They were on rustic land and without a licence. They were also permanent structures. Had they been easily demountable, there wouldn't have been a planning infringement. Gelabert is in effect now saying they were demountable.