The 17-year-old in hospital following the Magalluf brawl

Emergency surgery was needed

Mohamed with his father. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


17-year-old Mohamed has been in Son Espases Hospital since last Sunday morning and after he was attacked following the massive brawl in Magalluf. His jaw was broken, but far more serious was the injury to his head. There was a clot. After two days this grew larger. Emergency surgery was needed.

He was in Magalluf on Saturday night to celebrate a birthday. He and a group of friends had booked into a hotel for the night. His sister explains that she started to worry when he didn't return home on Sunday and she couldn't make contact with him. She discovered that he was in hospital.

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The incidents which led to a brawl in the early hours of Sunday that involved some fifty people had come to an end - except for one incident. Without a word having been said, Mohamed was punched from behind by a Romanian. He was knocked unconscious. He woke up in hospital and was told that his attacker had been arrested. "I didn't know him at all."

All those who were arrested - ten in all - were released on charges after court appearances.