A week away from the elections and a poll by the Balearic Institute of Social Studies (IBES) indicates a potentially decisive move to the right. For the Balearic parliament, which has 59 seats, the poll points to the Partido Popular winning 23 (up seven from 2019) and Vox seven (up four), which would give a majority of 30.

Francina Armengol's PSOE, according to the poll, will lose two seats (down to seventeen). Of the two other parties that make up the current coalition government, Unidas Podemos will lose one (down to five) and Més per Mallorca will maintain their four seats. A total of 26 seats, there wouldn't be sufficient support from elsewhere - Més per Menorca, two, and Gent per Formentera, one - to push an Armengol investiture over the line.
The poll confirms that Ciudadanos, currently five seats, will be obliterated, while it is bad news for El Pi. They have three seats at present but look set to lose them all. A regionalist party of the centre, there has been much talk of El Pi being the kingmakers (one way or the other), but the poll suggests that this will not be the case.
A separate poll by the Fundació Gadeso, published on Saturday, gave a probable result of PP 22 and Vox 6, with PSOE 18 (including the Formentera seat), Més per Mallorca four and Unidas Podemos four. This poll suggested three for Més per Menorca and two for El Pi.
The IBES poll also indicates a win for the right at the Council of Mallorca, which has a total of 33 councillors. The PP with eleven and Vox with six would form a majority.
While the IBES figures stack up for the parties on the right, there would still need to be agreement on terms for government between the PP and Vox.
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Morgan Hard core Labor Man the UK and the Conservatives look like the Girlscout party sending refugees to Africa so Right wing make even Trump look moderate Jacob Rees a good man on a mission common , get off your High Horse Mate , I just want to see an end to all the bad talk and get back to good old Work !
Strange to see immigrants in favour of the anti immigration vox party. And I wonder how making the vía cintura a 120 kmh speed limit will help, as most of the time (due to the horrendous traffic) you can't reach 80 let alone 120.
Gonna be interesting in the End it’s all about Power ! Mallorca has Numerous Difficult problems none of which have been mentioned only politics , guess you have it all worked out for me it’s not that straight forward ! Love that Smile from Amengol ! Laughing and having a Drink at the Hat 🎩 Bar
Jason DOr Putin, who "cleaned up" Russia in a short period of time. I think Trump actually used Putin's playbook to cause the damage he did. They are chums, after all. Hopefully, Vox can do the same for the the Baleares. Real damage instead of imaginary, just what you've been hoping for. And as an added bonus, then you'll really want to get the hell out of here, instead of just threatening it.
No harm to see Vox getting in. They might clean up the place. Similar to how Trump cleaned up the United States in such a short period of time.
Adam OstenfeldThat's special, Adam. It seems to me that in addition to the frequent negative narratives here, you're amongst the handful here who claim everything is headed into the abyss, despite all evidence to the contrary. Right, all this negativity isn't helping. Now, I don't care what tribe you or any politician or political party subscribes to, I only care if the trajectory is sensible and positive. And so far, notwithstanding the nonsense spewed by junior coalition partners, the results have been pretty positive. Even exemplary in some cases. PP doesn't have a great track record, but isn't particularly extremist, rather center-right as opposed to full Trumpian, and is likely to keep an even keel, and not likely to go off the rails. And that's positive, in my view. PP may well win this in the typical ways, using the very negative spin you often employ (some of which is actually worthy, if you consider the senseless rantings of the extremist junior partners in the PSOE coalition), yet then claim it's "them" that are negative. It's the same trick played in the UK. And as you can see, it works. But be under no illusions; this one isn't likely to be any more sensible than the last, and if history is any guide, is actually more likely to operate for political gain rather than what's sensible for "the people", especially with yet another wacked out extremist party at their side. Politics is always imperfect, no matter what tribe it comes from. Yet here we are, things don't suck at all, some pretty good things have been achieved, and really, nothing has gone off the rails, despite what you and a few others want to believe (perhaps even hoping for). Still, consider rising above that tired old game. Tribalism won't ever bring you what you think you want. It will only make you complicit in what you think you don't want (though you'll never admit to that). Yet as you've clearly demonstrated here, you're already exhibiting form.
Time for Change , there are a lot of very fine hard working simple people who need a government that works and has respect for that work ,stop all this negative talk about everyone get back to work and get Mallorca going in a Cheerful and positive direction with a Bright Future , Amen
If Més and Podemos would have shut their mouths, PSOE would likely win easily. They've done a lot of good stuff. But ok, PP isn't that radical and will be able to surf on PSOE's successes... But Vox is as bad or worse than Més. Luckily, just a junior partner like Més