You can now edit your Whatsapp messages after they have been sent

15 minutes to make changes

22/05/2023 Edición de mensajes en WhatsApp POLITICA INVESTIGACIÓN Y TECNOLOGÍA META | META


The WhatsApp messaging application has implemented this Monday the function that allows messages to be edited, a novelty for which it allows 15 minutes from the time they are sent to make the changes that the user deems appropriate.

Editing messages is one of the features most demanded by users of this messaging service. The company has been working on it for some time, as seen in the various beta versions of the application, and this Monday it began to be deployed globally.

Specifically, as the tech company explains, users will find the 'Edit' option in the options menu that appears when a sent message is pressed. The user will then have up to 15 minutes from the time of sending to correct "everything from simple spelling mistakes to adding additional context to a message".

Messages that have received changes will show a 'tagged' status. This will be visible to recipients, but they will not be able to access the history of changes, as the company explains in its official blog.

Meta has also assured that edited messages, as well as all personal messages, media files and calls, are protected with end-to-end encryption.