Deepak Chopra unveils his new book in Mallorca

Living in the Light: Yoga for Self-Realization,


The Castillo Hotel Son Vida hosted the presentation this morning of the latest book by the world famous writer and spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, Living in the Light: Yoga for Self-Realization, written in collaboration with Sarah Platt-Finger, director of yoga at Chopra Global. Accompanied by Mariana Salinas, director and founder of the lifestyle company Sadhana Works, which is responsible for bringing Chopra to Mallorca and which seeks to position the island as the star destination for wellness tourism in the Mediterranean, the author commented on some aspects of the publication and answered questions from the audience, as well as outlining some of the content of Awakened Life, the conference he will be giving this evening at the Auditorium in Palma.

First of all, he was asked about the division in American society, to which Chopra, evoking "the three pillars of transformation: conscious community, spiritual practice and service", replied that this is a global situation: "Where are the social movements that emerged in the 60s and 70s? Where did they take us? Activism doesn't work. The only solution is for each individual to change within himself, in his personal life, thinking about the world he wants. There is no such thing as a separate mind, all conflict is an illusion. The solution is for people to experience that we are all connected, that the wellbeing of the one you call 'your enemy' also affects your wellbeing".

In relation to his new book, Chopra explained that "self-realisation is about knowing who you really are, that is the purpose of yoga", emphasising that our identity goes beyond body, mind or personality, constantly evolving throughout our lives. "You are your consciousness. It has no form or boundaries, it is infinite. Today people say: I'm not religious, I'm spiritual. What does that mean? It is the same experience: there is no death, there is no suffering. As the Sufi poet Rumi said, you are the drop in the ocean and the ocean in the drop at the same time".

They also discussed the increase in depression and the suicide rate at an international level, and the writer announced that the Chopra Foundation's Never Alone programme, a support and accompaniment platform for people seeking emotional support, will also be carried out in Spanish.