Some thoughts about living in Mallorca which have caused a social media sensation

New British resident takes to twitter

Photo Twitter: Tom Osman.


Tom Osman has taken to twitter to share his thoughts about living on Mallorca, a year after his arrival on the island with his family. His thoughts have caused a sensation on social media.

1) Sunshine makes an immense difference to your overall health.
2) A great day can be as simple as a beach, a cool box and a towel.
3) Children are happier when they're outside.
4) Time close to or in the sea is great for the soul.
5) You can't go against culture, only with it.
6) Eating well doesn't have to be complicated. Simple ingredients cooked well is the game.
7) Processed food is out of control in the Uk.
8) Baseline health standards are much higher in Spain.
9) Obesity is much less tolerated.
10) Big families are loved and encouraged.
11) Children are the centre of the universe in Spain.
12) Teachers hug, kiss and comfort the children at school. It's a travesty this is not allowed in the Uk and other countries.
13) Learning languages at age 5 is play. 3/5 languages by early 10's is the target.
14) 4 children can attend the best private international school for the same cost as 1 child private in the Uk.
15) Teachers are vastly underpaid.
16) Great teachers are immeasurably beneficial for your children.
17) Everything takes 3x as long, in some cases 10x.
18) The slower pace of life is enforced.
19) Paper is still the default. Digital is lagging way behind.
20) People don't f*** with the police. The Guardia Civil will destroy you.
21) 99% of the police (especially Guardia) are in incredible shape.
22) Healthcare is fantastic.
23) Attempting to speak in Spanish (even when a clear beginner) is always well received.
24) Shift from Socialist to Conservative is starting. Taxes should come down.
25) Digital nomad visas are now available.
26) Although painful, there's huge opportunity for innovation.
27) Long lunches and late dinners are incredible.
28) Being out late with your children is normal.
29) The school run is the ultimate networking opportunity.
30) Splitting twins into separate classes is extremely beneficial for their development.
31) Having 4 children in 4 classes is the social life hack.
32) Nothing happens quickly, you have to accept it.
32) If you can live in the sun, you should.
33) You will make closer friends by moving somewhere with intention as other people have done the same. Likely you share similar values.
34) Taking your children to the beach after school is one of the greatest pleasures in life. That's it for now