Reinforcements for high-season employment inspections

Unions concerned about excessive workloads

High summer inspections focus on tourism industry jobs. | Miquel À. Cañellas


During July and August, the employment inspectorate in the Balearics will be reinforced by 24 inspectors from other Spanish regions. This reinforcement will enable 960 inspections to be made. These will focus on working hours, fraudulent part-time shifts, temporary employment - especially false temporary contracts - and lack of registration with social security.

The acting employment minister, Iago Negueruela, said on Friday: "We are an acting government but with measures that continue to be implemented." This summer's plan will concentrate on combatting false temporary contracts and on regulations regarding overtime, records of working hours, and rest days.

The general secretary of the UGT in the Balearics, Lorenzo Navarro, offered a positive assessment of the plan. He stressed that although there has been a reduction in employment precariousness in recent years, more inspectors are needed, noting that a shortage of labour leads to excessive workloads.