Uber drivers to denounce Mallorca taxi drivers for constant harassment

An official complaint is to be lodged with the National Police

There has been tension since Uber started operations in June. | Youtube Última Hora


Since Uber started operations in Mallorca a little over a month ago, its drivers say that they have been subjected to constant harassment by taxi drivers. This has included having tyres slashed, windows broken, insults and physical assault. There have been occasions when taxis have performed manoeuvres which endanger Uber drivers and their passengers as well as other road users. One driver suggests that there is going to be "a tragedy".

He adds that he and other drivers are just employees doing their jobs; the cars are not theirs. But some have already quit because of the stresses. "They harass us 24 hours a day, they record us with their phones, they insult us. It's impossible to work like this.

"They have even attacked passengers, which damages the image of the island in the eyes of tourists and local citizens. They record us for no reason and which is against our privacy. They demand that we show them our permits, something that only the police can do."

Another driver recounts an episode with one particular taxi driver which ended in him asking the taxi driver why he was recording him. "His response was to drop his trousers, show his arse and tell me that he could record whoever he wanted to."

Because of all this, the Uber drivers are to lodge an official collective complaint. This will be delivered to the National Police next week.