Dolphin found washed up on Muro beach

The animal was in an advanced state of composition


Late on Sunday afternoon, bathers came across the corpse of a dolphin in an advanced state of decomposition. The animal appeared at around 6pm, when Palma Aquarium technicians were alerted by a private individual who spotted the cetacean floating near the shore.

The discovery of the bottlenose dolphin was brought to the attention of the conservationist organisation's technicians, who alerted the local police and the lifeguard, who quickly travelled to the site.

Once there, they began the investigation in situ, where they were able to verify that it was a 2.68 metre long male in an advanced state of decomposition and that it showed no signs of human interaction. As the protocol indicates, the technicians released the finding and everything points to a natural cause of death. Finally, the animal was removed from the beach.

The Palma Aquarium Foundation reminds us that if you find a cetacean on the beach you should call the emergency number (112) as soon as possible so that they can activate the necessary protocol. If the animal is dead, photographs should be taken and the exact location of the animal should be reported. If the animal is alive, approach it quietly, if possible keep it afloat, if it is out of the water keep it in the shade and wait for the arrival of the Palma Aquarium teams.