Playa de Palma hoteliers seeking restraining orders on criminals

The hoteliers are cooperating with the police

All too often, criminals return and commit further crimes. | @ORBITSS11


On July 6, a Palma court sentenced two individuals to two years in prison for robbery with violence, the crimes having been committed in Playa de Palma.

In addition, the Playa de Palma hoteliers association, advised by the law firm Monlex, sought and obtained a two-year restraining order on the pair; this is being described as "historic". The order applies to a defined area of Playa de Palma.

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José Antonio Fernández de Alarcón, an association vice-president, explains that the hoteliers are acting in cooperation with the police when this sort of case goes to court. They are critical of the fact that habitual criminals are arrested but return shortly afterwards and commit more crimes.

He adds that criminal proceedings can take a long time. During that period, the criminals are given opportunities to reoffend. "We are looking to be creative in finding definitive solutions to try and put an end to the crime problem in the area." This first restraining order will be followed by more, as it marks how they intend to act in the future.