Arrests after clans' knife fight in Palma

Officers with the National Police's Prevention and Reaction Unit went to the scene.


On Saturday night, the National Police arrested seven people after a massive fight involving knives between two clans in the Pere Garau district of Palma.

Shortly before half eleven, Palma Police went to C. Francisco Manuel de los Herreros after reports of a woman being attacked by a group of people.

National Police officers, including members of the UPR Prevention and Reaction Unit (UPR), also went to the scene and separated the two gangs but were confronted by certain individuals. The police found several knives on the ground and a bag containing more knives. They were then alerted to another incident. This was at a gambling salon, where a number of people were carrying knives.

The UPR established a security cordon to prevent the fight from escalating and made the arrests. Despite the knives, there were no reports of any injuries.