Demolition of Alcudia's 'bridge to nowhere'

The responsibility of the Balearic Ports Authority

The bridge has been subject to progressive deterioration. | Miquel À. Cañellas


It acquired a nickname of the 'bridge to nowhere' because it didn't go anywhere. The bridge on Puerto Alcudia's Paseo Marítimo was a sort of folly at the time of the pedestrianisation of the frontline at the end of the last century. It was more an elevated walkway for views of the port area and it has indeed facilitated many a photo of the expanse of beach by the marina and of Alcudiamar itself.

That pedestrianisation project entailed the use of a good deal of wood - not just the bridge but also for the promenade. This was replaced some years ago; it had deteriorated badly. The bridge has also been subject to progressive deterioration.

The 'bridge' in Puerto Alcudia, Mallorca is to be dismantled

Once the current season is over, work will start on dismantling what remains of it. The cost will be just under 300,000 euros. This will include making good the pavement and some other work and will be borne by the Balearic Ports Authority; the Paseo Marítimo is the authority's land.

At a meeting in March, Alcudia town hall insisted that the authority should remove the bridge. A change of administration hasn't altered this stance; it is in full agreement.