Majorca tourism

Who's to blame for Mallorca's "tourist saturation"? The last Balearic government

The new minister for tourism having his say

"Saturation" in Deya in summer 2022. | Pilar Pellicer


Parliamentary business has resumed in the Balearics, and new ministers with the Partido Popular government have been answering questions for the first time.

Jaume Bauzá is the minister for tourism, culture and sport. He was asked by Maria Ramon of Més per Mallorca if he believed that there was "tourist saturation" or not, Ramon criticising a PP recipe of "more tourism and more uncontrolled growth". She called on the minister to introduce limits, to bring about a decrease in tourism and to pursue economic diversification, so as to "stop putting all our eggs in the same basket".

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Ramon stated that the Balearics have registered a human pressure of two million people several days this summer and highlighted data such as a flight arriving in Palma every 60 seconds and 8,000 cruise passengers in Palma daily.

The minister responded by observing: "At certain times of the season and in certain places there is tourist saturation." But the cause of this, he argued, lay with the last eight years of government - four years when Més ran the tourism ministry and four years when PSOE were in charge. "115,000 tourist accommodation places were authorised over the eight years, almost 25% of the total."