You can spend Christmas on the beach in Mallorca this year!

Long range weather forecast points to a top temperature of 17 degrees for December 25

Christmas on Mallorca!


The long range weather forecasts suggests that Mallorca will kick the stuffing out of northern Europe weatherwise this year with sun and a top temperature of 17 degrees being predicted. Infact, if you are planning to go on holiday to the island over the Christmas period you can leave your reindeer jumper at home!

The only low point is Christmas Eve when cloud is being forecast but Christmas Day and Boxing Day will have brilliant sunshine, according to the forecast. If the weather prediction is right you could very easily be enjoying your turkey lunch on the terrace and listening to the King´s Speech in your flip flops.

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Overall the weather forecast for December is relatively good although rain is being forecast for the two Bank Holidays on December 6 and 8. Infact, the first two weeks of December will be relatively wet with rain forecast but the last two will have sunshine.

It is not uncommon for snow to fall at this time of the year on the island but not this year if the long range forecast is to be believed. This year more hotels are expected to remain open over the winter period.

Fancy joining us for Christmas? Forget Turkey or Greece suckling pig could be on the menu this year!