Smokers in the Balearics to be vaccinated against the flu

The flu vaccination campaign will start in October

Smokers will not also be vaccinated against Covid unless they have a specific risk factor. | Gemma Andreu


For the first time in the Balearics, smokers have been included in the risk groups for flu vaccination. Another new aspect of the vaccination campaign is that children between the ages of six months and five years have also been included. The director-general for public health, Elena Esteban Ramis, says that these inclusions are in line with recommendations made by the National Public Health Commission.

In the case of smokers, Esteban has justified the decision to include them because their respiratory systems have characteristics that can reduce defence against infection and lead to serious symptoms or complications and ultimately to hospitalisation.

As to young children, their inclusion is because they can contract flu and spread group infection. Protecting children will also help to reduce infection among vulnerable people that they come into contact with.

Until now, the general risk group has been people aged 60 and above. Flu vaccination is also available to the likes of health and care workers, the police and firefighters.

When it comes to the vaccination campaign, which will start in October, children and smokers will only be vaccinated against the flu. The other risk groups will also be vaccinated against Covid.