Waste inside a rubbish lorry in Palma catches fire

Firefighters put out the fire very quickly

The inside of a rubbish lorry catches fire in Palma. | Última hora


The residues inside a rubbish lorry caught fire early on Monday morning in Palma, near the Carrefour in General Riera. The workers had to unload all the rubbish from the vehicle in order to suffocate the flames inside.

Faced with this dangerous situation, the fire brigade rushed to the scene to extinguish the fire. Between the help provided by the driver of the vehicle and the skill of the emergency teams, they were able to unload the waste from the lorry onto the street and facilitate the extinguishing work. Fortunately, both the lorry and the workers were unharmed and no injuries were reported.

Firefighters working to douse the flames.

The cause of the fire is unknown at the moment and it is being investigated whether any of the waste could have caused the flames to start. In addition, National Police officers have arrived to cordon off the area and regulate traffic.