Access restrictions to the Formentor road come to an end

The measure was extended this year due to the high number of vehicles in early June and late September


This past weekend saw the end of the restrictions on motor vehicle access to Formentor lighthouse, which have been in force since June 1 and which have been extended for nearly a month this year, given the high vehicle traffic recorded in early June and late September, when the tourist season is already in full swing in Mallorca. The measure affected the Ma-2210 road, from kilometre 2 (next to the military base) to kilometre 19.6, at the lighthouse, and lasted from 10 am to 10:30 pm.

Starting yesterday (October 1), these traffic restrictions no longer exist, marked this year by the implementation of control barriers at the accesses to the road from Port de Pollensa and next to the car park at Formentor beach, as well as a number plate reader that registered up until a few weeks ago 20,000 sanctions for non-compliance with restrictions that have been coordinated by the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) and the Department of Mobility of the Council of Mallorca.

Residents or vehicles with people with reduced mobility were some of the beneficiaries of the permits that were granted to be able to circulate on this road during the closing hours, with the shuttle bus from Alcudia and Pollensa once again being available to travel to the lighthouse. Last summer the restrictions on road traffic were from 15th June to 15th September. Cyclists and hikers were exempt from this measure.

From now until May 31, motor vehicles will once again be able to drive freely and without time restrictions along the Ma-2210, the Formentor road, one of Mallorca's major tourist attractions, which is to be given a break during the summer months in order to avoid the traffic congestion experienced years ago on the busy road that ends at the lighthouse.