British tourism surges in the Balearics in August leaving the Germans in their wake

One in four tourists who came to the Balearics in August were British


One in four tourists who came to the Balearics in August were British and the United Kingdom market consolidated itself as the Number 1 holiday market for the islands, according to official figures released this morning. According to official figures an estimated 656,000 British tourists came to the Balearics compared to 559,000 Germans in August.

Throughout the summer more British tourists came to the islands than Germans although it must be remembered that the Germans rule supreme in Mallorca. Far more Britons go on holiday to Minorca and Ibiza than Germans.

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According to tourism sources the British market is key for the islands. The Balearic government will be holding talks with the British travel industry in London next month.

The prospects for next summer are also looking good for the UK market.