Mallorca holiday for David Beckham's father after Netflix filming

He spent much of the summer on the island


Ted Beckham has a key part in the latest Netflix sensation, Beckham, abour his son David which is showing at the moment to excellent reviews. After filming was completed Ted Beckham headed for a holiday in Mallorca alongside his new partner, Hilary Meredith. Filming took place in the early part of this year.

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“I love the island. I know people like the States or Asia and all that, but for me it’s Europe and Mallorca. I guess it’s horses for courses, but this is the island for me,” Ted told the Bulletin's Humphrey Carter during an interview last summer.

On teaching his son to play football which is clearly shown on the Netflix series he says: "It’s a bit like building a house, to build a good one you need solid foundations and I was the foundation for David and then you move on and progress by listening to others. When he moved to Manchester United he was listening to the likes of Nobby Stiles and then of course Alex Ferguson. He was a ruthless manager, but he was a great manager and knew how to get the best out of his players. He knew how to get the most out of players like David, enhance and hone his skills and it paid off."