Villages which are home to Michael Douglas and Annie Lennox have the wealthiest people in Mallorca

Highest average gross income is 40,542 euros

Michael Douglas has owned a home in Valldemossa for many years.


Tax Agency information for 2021 indicates that Valldemossa, home to Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jomnes has residents with the highest average gross income in Mallorca and in the Balearics - 40,542 euros. In second place is Esporles, where pop super-star Annie Lennox has owned a home for many years, with 37,357 euros. The figures are for municipalities with more than 1,000 residents.

These two municipalities, along with Bunyola (37,095) and Puigpunyent (36,886), are among the top 100 in Spain with the highest incomes. In the case of Valldemossa, the income is almost half that of Spain's wealthiest municipality - Pozuelo de Alarcón in Madrid with 80,243 euros. Nationally, Matadepera in Catalonia is second with 69,511 euros.

Calvia is fifth on the list with 34,714 euros. Sant Joan de Labritja in Ibiza, sixth, is the wealthiest municipality on the other islands.

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The lowest average income in Mallorca is in Capdepera - 23,549 euros. In Spain it is Higuera de Vargas (Extremadura) with 12,737 euros.

Michael Douglas has an estimated fortune of 350 million dollars.

Catherine Zeta Jones has an estimated fortune of 150 million dollars.

Annie Lennox has an estimated fortune of 60 million dollars.