Two arrests following Rolex watch robbery with violence in Palma

The 70-year-old doctor was put in a chokehold

The National Police mounted a search and located the two. | Archive


On Friday, the National Police arrested two 21-year-old men who had attacked a 70-year-old man and stolen a Rolex watch and a gold chain.

The incident occurred shortly before 6am on Friday. The man, who is a doctor, had gone out for a quick walk before starting work at a private clinic in Palma. Near Cala Gamba, the two approached him from behind and put him in a chokehold. He fell to the ground but did not lose consciousness. This allowed him to see his two attackers.

They stole a Rolex watch valued at 15,000 euros and a gold chain worth 1,500 euros. The doctor went to a nearby hotel and informed reception what had happened. The National Police were called. A search of the area was mounted and the two were located. One was wearing the watch.

On Saturday, the pair - one Argentine, the other Moroccan - appeared in court and were remanded in custody.