Majorca tourism

Colours of Mallorca's Plain for tourism promotion

Fourteen municipalities have a combined tourism strategy

There will be various designs for the brand.


The Mancomunitat del Pla is the grouping of fourteen municipalities in Mallorca's Plain region. These municipalities have been working together for some years on a combined sustainable tourism strategy, the latest aspect of which is a Colores del Pla brand - the Colours of the Plain.

The aim is to integrate all tourist experiences to be developed under this brand and to promote this region of Mallorca as a "differentiated tourist destination".

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The brand name highlights the beauty and chromatic richness that are the essence of the region with its elements such as a Mediterranean spirit, nature and gastronomy. The budget for the Colores del Pla designs is 45,000 euros. The project includes an analysis of the current and potential tourist offer as well as the creation of different tourist experiences throughout the year.

A key aspect will be the promotion of zero kilometre products. For the Mancomunitat, it is essential to raise awareness in the tourism sector about the use of zero kilometre products, while these will provide added value to the region's rural destination model.