Helicopter crashes on ring road, three injured

Two people were in the helicopter, one was able to exit on foot

Emergency workers stand next to a helicopter that crashed on a Madrid motorway ring road, hitting a car and injuring people, in Madrid, Spain, December 1, 2023. REUTERS/Juan Medina | JUAN MEDINA


A helicopter crashed on a Madrid motorway ring road this Friday morning, hitting a car and leaving three people injured, the city's emergency services said.

Two people were in the helicopter, one was able to exit on foot, while the other was rescued from the wreckage by firefighters, an emergency service spokesperson told Reuters.

Both were injured in the crash, as was the driver of the car hit by the helicopter, emergency services said. One of the crash survivors had a light head injury, another presented with a broken thigh bone and the third suffered light injuries, the spokesperson said.

Footage showed the two-seat yellow helicopter lying on its side with its glass cockpit shattered and its tail smashed over the central reservation beside a motorway bridge.

Dozens of emergency officers were deployed to secure the area. The car's windshield was also shattered and its body showed gashes.

A spokesperson for European Rotors 2023, a helicopter show held from Monday to Thursday at Ifema conference centre, said the helicopter had been flying from Ifema to Cuatro Vientos air field located south of Madrid.