Three million euros of tourist tax to buy places of environmental interest

A similar amount will be requested next year

The site of old lignite mines is one acquisition that is being considered.


The 2024 budget for the Balearic ministry of agriculture, fisheries and the natural environment contains an item of 3.2 million euros of tourist tax revenue. This relates to revenue that had been allocated but was subsequently not used. It is therefore being recovered, with the intention being to acquire places of environmental interest.

The director-general for the natural environment and forest management, Ana Torres, says that places will be identified for habitat recovery and protection and for public use. Four or five are likely to be acquired. One under consideration is the site of old lignite mines between Sineu and Maria de la Salut.

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Currently owned by the electricity company, Endesa, Torres explains that it has importance because of its wetland area and has natural values that are of interest for conservation. It could become a recreational area of the kind to be found in the Tramuntana Mountains but which doesn't exist in Mallorca's Pla (Plain) region.

Torres accepts that 3.2 million euros will not be sufficient to acquire all the places that the ministry has in mind. This being the case, the intention is to request a similar amount next year from tourist tax funds.