Hunt for two people who stole from a dead man in Palma

The 55-year-old was slumped over the steering wheel

The National Police are in charge of the investigation. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


The National Police in Palma are looking for two individuals who stole from a 55-year-old man just minutes after he had died.

On December 27 around 11pm in the vicinity of C. Manacor, a resident was walking his dog when he noticed from a certain distance that a neighbour appeared to be slumped over the steering wheel of his car. He went home and looked out of a window. He saw two people searching inside the neighbour's car. He shouted at them and they ran off.

He then went to the neighbour's home. The man's wife said that her husband had told her that he was going to a medical centre as he didn't feel well. They went to the car and found the man with no pulse. Various belongings had been stolen.