Little Carmen's big claim to fame

The first baby of 2024

Carmen´s unique claim!


Carmen Ballester Catany has a unique claim to fame, she was the first baby born in the Balearic in 2024. At three minutes past midnight, just as most people had completed eating their 12 grapes of New Year luck and Carmen was born at the Manacor hospital, weighing in at 3.2 kilos.

Coco Carmel Villalonga Spaine, whose parents are Spanish/British, was the next baby to be born. She was born at Son Espases hospital at 01.31am and weighed 3.1 kilos. The third baby was Diana who was born at 2:12 a.m. at the Inca hospital. Her parents are Moroccan residents of Sa Pobla and the baby weighed 3.9 kilos.

Many congratulations!