A teams sent by Spain’s Environment ministry clean-up plastic pellets that have spread from the Spanish northwestern Galicia region to the Asturias region, triggering environmental concerns and a political blame game in San Juan beach in Asturias, Spain, January 10, 2024. REUTERS/Miguel Vidal | MIGUEL VIDAL
Brussels12/01/2024 12:56
Some European Union lawmakers are pushing to strengthen a planned law on microplastics pollution, after millions of plastic pellets washed up on the coast of Spain's northwestern Galicia region. Tiny plastic pellets are used to manufacture everyday items from water bottles to shopping bags. They are also an environmental menace, adding to the scourge of plastic in the oceans - and fiendish to clean up because of their tiny size.
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Good move by the EU. Our sea life is ingesting the plastic and passing it onto humans through the food chain. Action is urgently needed.