Outrageous! 10,000-euro fine if non-resident Britons spend more than 90 days in Spain

Why the 90 day rule needs to be scrapped


Non-resident Britons, who spend more than 90 days enjoying their holiday homes in Spain could be fined up to 10,000 euros by the Spanish government. The cash penalty was labelled as outrageous by British home owners who are furious that they can only spend 180 days in Spain (in two blocks of 90 days) a year.

The 90 day rule only applies to non-resident Britons but it has already hit property sales with real estate agents stating that it was costing Spain millions. As passports are stamped or electronically checked on arrival and departure it is easy for airport staff to enforce the 90 day rule and also give the fine.

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However, the threat of a hefty cash penalty makes it even harder for holiday home owners to swallow the 90 day rule with many saying that it is outrageous. Sales of homes to non-residents across Spain have fallen with many blaming the restriction as one of the reasons.

Spanish is pushing the European Union hard to abolish the law but it would need the support of all member nations.