The Balearics - the Spanish region with the best working conditions

Report by recruitment company Adecco

Five factors in determining working conditions. | Fela Saborit


According to recruitment company Adecco, the region in Spain with the best working conditions is the Balearics.

In the company's opportunities monitor for the fourth quarter of 2023, the Balearics rated seven out of ten. The second highest score was Catalonia with 6.6, followed by Madrid (6.4) and Cantabria and Valencia, both with 6.2.

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The report considers five factors - pay, job security, employment and professional development opportunities, the balance between personal life and work, and labour disputes.

Adecco also highlight the fact that purchasing power has increased more in the Balearics than any other region - up 3.1%, which equates to 674 euros per annum. This indicator is obtained by discounting inflation in the rise in average salaries. The closest region to the Balearics in this regard is the Canaries - up 2.1% (399 euros). (This said, improvements in purchasing power are all relative; there is the cost of living to also bear in mind.)

The report points to a 7.7% year-on-year increase in average salary in the Balearics. Currently 1,854 euros per month, this constitutes a new "historical maximum". For Spain as a whole, there was a 2.6% loss of purchasing power in 2023, the heaviest falls having been in the Basque Country (4.6%), Galicia (4.8%) and Asturias (5%).