Arenal restaurant inspected for possible food poisoning is reopening

Inspectors are satisfied that deficiencies have been corrected

Guests in the Acapulco had to eat at another restaurant on the complex. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The restaurant in the Palma Bay Club Resort Acapulco building in Arenal is to reopen following inspection by the public health authority because of suspected food poisoning.

On Tuesday, a number of guests who had eaten at the Acapulco restaurant were taken ill with symptoms that could have been caused by food poisoning or by a stomach virus. The guests were all on an Imserso holiday.

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Health inspectors ordered the temporary closure of the restaurant after deficiencies were found in respect of equipment and food handling processes. Kitchen staff have been given training on food handling, and inspectors are satisfied that the deficiencies have been corrected. In the meantime, guests have been able to use another restaurant on the complex.

Definitive results from analysis of samples taken from the kitchen won't be available until next week. Even without these results, the Balearic health ministry appears to believe that the cases were food poisoning. The director general of public health, Elena Esteban, has drawn attention to the fact that the symptoms of 40 guests became evident very rapidly and at much the same time. This would point to food poisoning rather than to a virus.