Speaking on Tuesday, Martínez stressed that at present there is no police or judicial investigation. "It is not true, as has been published in different media, that Sra. Bonet has committed any crime." The impact of false and biased reports "has generated enormous damage to the health, honour, dignity, image and privacy of Sra. Bonet and her family". Her health has suffered to the extent that she is in need of treatment.
"We ask that the right to the presumption of innocence be respected. It was so little respected by some media in the 'Cursach Case', which later ended in nothing."
Martínez was the lawyer who represented and obtained the acquittal of Tolo Sbert at the trial of Bartolomé Cursach (the owner of BCM) and various others. The trial collapsed in late 2022.
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Simple solution. Fast track the investigation. Set a deadline for one week's time and commit to a decision then. Long term investigations are no good for anyone especially if the Councillor is innocent as she protests. It can be done if the will is there.