"Stable of horrors" in Palma

The town hall is accused of a total lack of concern for animal welfare

The "stable of horrors". | Progreso en Verde


Animal rights party Progeso en Verde has denounced what it describes as a "stables of horrors" in Palma. The party says that horses that are used for carriages in Palma have been "semi-abandoned" on a farm in Sa Indioteria in violation of animal protection law and regulations for the carriages.

Spokesperson Guillem Amengual claims that the horses don't have freedom of movement or the possibility of shelter from rain or wind. "They are sleeping among excrement and urine."

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He maintains that these are the ones that pulled a carriage that was immobilised last August. "This demonstrates the total lack of concern that Palma town hall has for the welfare of animals."

Amengual is seeking the definitive withdrawal of the licence from the driver of the carriage under investigation because of non-compliance with regulations and laws and because of animal abuse. The stable, he argues, does not comply with urban planning requirements and must be registered with the livestock farms registry.

"Nothing changes at Palma town hall with regard to the carriage horses. Neither those who were there before (PSOE, Més and Podemos), nor those who are there now (PP and Vox), are capable of enforcing animal protection laws and regulations."