Traffic restricitions in Palma the last week of February

Between the Sa Vileta roundabout and Camí de Jesús

Local police directing traffic. | JAVIER COLL


The Palma City Council informs that, due to the tarmac works and the adaptation of the bike lane on Camí dels Reis street, in the section between the Sa Vileta roundabout and Camí de Jesús, there will be traffic limitations and restrictions on the road next week.

Section of the road closures which is by the Son Moix Stadium
Section where the restrictions will occur which is right by the Son Moix Stadium. Photo: Ajuntament de Palma

Thus, the works to pave the street and paint the bike lane, which has been moved from the sidewalk to the roadway, will require the closure of traffic on February 25th and 26th in the direction from Cami Jesús towards la Vileta, remaining open in the opposite direction.

During the second phase of the project, scheduled for February 28th and 29th, Wednesday and Thursday, traffic will be closed in both directions. Traffic will reopen throughout the street starting from March 1st, Friday.

This action is coordinated with the Palma Local Police and with the EMT, which will provide alternative routes for both private vehicles and public transportation.