Three arrests in Palma for selling 'pink cocaine'

They were released on charges

All the drugs seized had a value of at least 2,000 euros. | Policia Nacional


Three people were arrested on Thursday when they were found to be in possession of quantities of 'pink cocaine'.

Around 5pm, the three - two men and a woman, all Colombian - were in a car that was stopped by a National Police control near to the Mercapalma wholesale centre in Palma. The person in the back seat was observed to be acting suspiciously, and so officers searched the car and found a pouch with plastic bags containing pink cocaine, also known as tuci. There were also 530 euros and four phones that were receiving regular messages.

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The three initially said that the pouch didn't belong to them, but the woman finally admitted that it was hers. One of the three was found to be in Spain illegally.

They appeared in court on Friday and were released on charges having exercised their right not to testify.

These arrests come at a time when there is concern about the availability of pink cocaine in Mallorca following the death of a 14-year-old boy in Getafe (Madrid) last weekend. He had mixed the drug with an energy drink, which police say is a lethal cocktail.