"Exceptional" permission for rabbit hunting in Mallorca

The preferred measure is to catch rabbits and release them elsewhere

Rabbits pose issues for regional authorities; this is a rabbit in Aragon. | Gobierno de Aragón


The Council of Mallorca's hunting department has given "exceptional" permission for the hunting of rabbits.

There is a rabbit hunting season in Mallorca. This ended in December, but the Council has responded to calls from farmers for an exceptional measure.

It applies to four municipalities - Llubi, Maria de la Salut, Muro and Santa Margalida - where the high numbers of rabbits are causing significant damage to crops. The Council's director of hunting, Sebastià Perelló, says that the situation is exacerbated by the lack of rain and its impact on crops.

Perelló explains that the Council's permission is for hunters to use ferrets and traps so that rabbits can then be released in areas where they won't cause damage to crops. If this is not possible, then dogs and shotguns will be allowed.

The Council points out that the rabbit is a species that has been declining in many areas of Mallorca and that it is working hard on the recovery of the rabbit population.