Mother, three times over the alcohol limit, with her six-year-old in the car

Police are concerned for the child's welfare

Police stopped the car after getting a call from a guard at Manacor station. | Julio Bastida


Police in Manacor report having arrested a woman who was three times over the alcohol limit and whose six-year-old son was in the backseat.

This was last Sunday night. Around 11pm, the woman, her boyfriend and the child had arrived at Manacor station. A guard observed them get into a car and drive off. The couple were "absolutely hammered". He called the police and the car was stopped. She was tested and found to be positive for drugs as well as for alcohol. The boy, police noted, was crying and appeared terrified.

Two weeks prior to this - February 11 - a taxi driver found the child wandering the streets alone in the early hours of the morning. The woman and the boyfriend (the child's father) were arrested for child abandonment, but when the case went before a court in Manacor, it was "provisionally dismissed".

The police are also investigating a report that, around 8am on February 25, the woman was driving recklessly - again with the child in the car.

Officers from the Manacor and National Police are concerned for the boy's welfare. He was initially placed in the care of grandparents when the child abandonment charge was made. He is at present with his parents.