Man fined for slapping a stewardess on the bottom twice at Palma airport

The German national was arrested as soon as he set foot in the terminal and charged with sexual assault


A criminal court in Palma has sentenced a man to a fine of 3,780 euros after he pleaded guilty to a crime of sexual assault. The defendant, assisted by his lawyer, has acknowledged before the magistrate, via video conference, that he slapped a stewardess on the bottom twice when he got off the plane after landing at Palma airport in May 2023.

The facts date back to 1.30pm on May 4. The defendant was flying to Palma from Hamburg to spend a few days on holiday. When he was to get off the aircraft and passed one of the flight attendants, he hit her twice on the bottom with an open hand.

After this, the employee alerted the crew chief, who in turn reported the incident to the Guardia Civil at the airport. The German national was arrested as soon as he set foot in the terminal and charged with sexual assault. The flight attendant has waived any compensation.