Palma illegal hire-car parking lots denounced

No activity licences for parking hire cars

One of the parking lots. | Oficina de la Defensora de la Ciudadanía


The Palma Ombudsman's Office has denounced what it says are illegal parking lots for hire cars. The office refers to "unacceptable impunity" and a "lack of control and total non-compliance with the regulations".

At a meeting of the town hall's Citizens' Rights Commission on Monday, Vicente Rodrigo said that there are no activity licences for these parking lots, which are guarded only by a barrier. "This illegal activity poses a clear danger to health, is unsafe due to the movement of traffic and is committing environmental violations."

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Rodrigo identified various plots of land that have been converted into "vehicle warehouses". The Ombudsman's Office has conducted its own investigations which reveal that there are no licences for parking hire cars.

He highlighted an increase in the number of rental vehicles in the Balearics. A tourism ministry study of December 2017 put this at 85,700. "In 2023 there were more than 100,000."

He demanded town hall action to address "an unacceptable and unsustainable situation" before the start of the high season, when more vehicles will arrive.