2.6 million euros to Real Mallorca for tourism promotion sponsorship

Opposition party Més are critical of the deal

At the inauguration of the new development at the Son Moix Stadium. | Miquel Payeras


The Balearic government and the Council of Mallorca will pay 2.6 million euros to Real Mallorca for a new tourism promotion sponsorship agreement. The split will be 1.6 million from the government's Aetib tourism strategy agency and one million from the Council's tourism foundation.

Spread over two seasons, the agreement is similar to that which PSOE proposed when they ran the tourism department at the Council from 2019 to 2023. This had to be dropped because of pressure from PSOE's coalition partners, Més and Unidas Podemos, who felt it was unnecessary and would only result in more tourist overcrowding.

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At one point, the continuation of the coalition was seriously threatened by this proposal. In the end, the funding that had been set aside was used to subsidise grassroots and professional sport in Mallorca.

Reacting to the new agreement, the Més spokesperson at the Council of Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora, says that it is one thing is help and support sport and a very different thing to provide funds for something that will lead to more tourism "massification".

He is critical of the use of public money for an organisation that is only motivated by financial interests. It is money for a company that does not have Mallorcan capital, has few local players but ones who earn "very high salaries".