Tougher Palma sanctions for graffiti, scooters and anti-social behaviour

Maximum fines of 3,000 euros

Insurance for scooters is to become obligatory. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


On Tuesday, Palma's mayor, Jaime Martínez, presented the new civic ordinance which is due to come into force in a couple of months. This covers a variety of matters to do with anti-social behaviour, graffiti, street gambling, publicity and the use of scooters.

In respect of scooters, subject to the ordinance having been introduced in time, owners will be obliged to have civil liability insurance as from this June. On roads where electric scooters are permitted, the minimum age will be 15. Reflective vests will be mandatory and the use of phones and headphones while riding will be prohibited. The maximum fine will be 1,500 euros.

A higher maximum - 3,000 euros - will apply to graffiti and to spitting, urinating and defecating in any public space; to street drinking; and to illegal street gambling, such as the three-card trick. This same maximum will also apply to the posting of publicity, if this covers traffic signs or is on heritage properties; the maximum will otherwise be 1,500 euros. In the case of minors who commit graffiti vandalism, the mayor explained that parents will be held responsible and will have to ensure payment of penalties and meet the cost of removal by the town hall.

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There is to be amendment to the bylaw regarding dress, or rather the state of undress. This has Playa de Palma in mind, as it is already an offence to not wear tops when on the streets in the city. In Playa de Palma this is permitted, but the new ordinance will make it an offence. A maximum fine wasn't specified.

Martínez added that the town hall is also looking at new regulations for motorhomes, caravans and camper vans. "These are causing problems in various neighbourhoods and we will have to see how we can deal with these."

The mayor said that current ordinance is "too lax". Tougher sanctions are needed to tackle behaviour that "disturbs coexistence and in order to correct anti-social attitudes".

The new ordinance will be open to public consultation prior to its anticipated approval by the end of May, when aspects of it will be known in greater detail. One of these will have to do with dog mess.