Fewer cars on Palma's roads than before the pandemic

The town hall doesn't believe that the reduction is due to free public transport

The Avenidas are among the busiest roads, even if this image doesn't suggest so. | Google Maps


According to figures from Palma town hall, the number of vehicles on the city's roads is lower than before the pandemic. In February this year, 13,475 vehicles per day were counted on the main roads. These compared with 14,596 in February 2019, a 7.7% reduction.

In February 2020, the month before the state of alarm was declared and mobility restrictions were imposed, there was a daily average of 14,374, a very similar number to 2019. In 2021, when the impact of the pandemic was still evident, the number fell to 11,892. There was an increase to 13,218 in 2022 and to 13,294 in 2023.

Year-on-year, therefore, there was a small increase. Nevertheless, the volume of traffic is clearly down compared with five years ago. But the mobility councillor, Antonio Deudero, recognises that the people of Palma "do not perceive that the city's traffic is any less saturated", the areas with the highest volume including the Avenidas and these roads' entrances and exits.

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Deudero doesn't believe that the decrease is due to free public transport. This came into force in January 2023 but in 2022 there had already been a significant decrease. The reasons he identifies are inflation, the price of fuel and difficulties with finding parking.

The councillor argues that traffic density in Palma is more related to residents than to tourists. Last year, the months with the most vehicles per day were June (14,484) and October (14,641). The lowest figures were for January (13,162) and August (13,168).

* The figures relate to municipal roads and not to Council of Mallorca roads, e.g. the Via Cintura.